The Origin and Destiny of Humanity
E.P. Hafstein
Classification and Development of Civilization
The Spices Modern Man (Homo Sapiens Sapiens)
The Solar Devas
The Consciousness Development of the Individual
The Creator and His Creation
All life within our galaxy is constantly evolving. This law is the dominant force in the universe. The species Homo Sapiens is not exempt from this constant evolution. The individuals of the species develop and, at the same time, they create the whole. If the species evolves undisturbed, there is every chance it will reach the stage of immortality, and nothing can destroy it. Is it a realistic possibility for man to become immortal when over 99.9 percent of all species that have emerged during the evolutionary stage of our planet have met the fate of extinction? What are the forces behind human evolution, and how is it controlled?
Classification and Development of Civilization
In 1964, the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev proposed a theory of the classification and evolution of civilizations based on energy consumption.[9] This unique perspective sheds light on the development of civilizations, classifying them into three levels: Civilization I, II, and III. Kardashev’s scale, currently between 0.70 and 0.75, predicts that in 100 to 150 years, humanity will reach the Civilizations level I.
Many well-known scientists support Kardashev’s theories, including Professors Carl Sagan[8] and Michio Kaku[6][7], both of whom have developed Kardashev’s scale to cover more fields than just energy.
Sagan and Kaku say that at Civilization Level I, humans can control the weather, prevent earthquakes, and stop volcanic eruptions. We can control most things in our environment and on the planet. Kardashev argues that when humans reach Civilization Level I, we have 100,000 times the energy at our disposal, or more, compared to today.
At Civilizations Level II, humans have so much energy and scientific knowledge at their disposal that the solar system is placed at our feet. We can then harness all the sun’s energy, not just the solar energy that shines on the Earth. Humans inhabit many planets in the solar system and their moons, and absolute sustainability will prevail. At this stage, the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens is immortal.[7][13] For example, we can perfectly prevent the collision of celestial bodies and the Earth, one of humanity’s greatest threats. We do this simply by erasing or changing the foreign object’s direction or moving the Earth.
At Civilizations Level III, man has conquered the galaxy and can tap into its energy. At this stage of civilization, man uses the unprecedented laws of physics, where the speed of light is no longer a speed barrier. He has already separated consciousness and body at Civilization Level II, and the earthly body is no longer a barrier to travel.
The Spices Modern Man (Homo Sapiens Sapiens)
In the 18th century, the Swedish biologist Carl von Linnaeus created vocabulary, which is the basis for the theoretical naming of organisms. The vocabulary is called the binary nomenclature and is based on the organism’s genus and species. Each organism receives two Latin names: the name of the genus to which it belongs and the name of the species to which it belongs. In some cases, there are subspecies, and then a third name is added.[10][13]
A genus of humans is called Homo and includes the species Homo Habilis – the dexterous man, Homo Erectus – the upright man; and Homo Sapiens – the intelligent man. Often when talking about modern man, we talk about Homo Sapiens, and only the genus and species are specified. The correct scientific name, however, is Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Where modern man is a subspecies of the species Homo Sapiens, this name can probably be traced to the fact that modern humans are the only subspecies of Homo Sapiens that still exist.
Two subspecies belong to the species Homo Sapiens. The first subspecies is, as mentioned, modern man Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the latter, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. Neanderthal man was initially considered the direct ancestor of modern man, but today, he is regarded as a distant relative. The biological common denominator between the two subspecies is, among other things, a large head and more brain space relative to the size of the body than had previously been known. The skeleton of the two subspecies is comparable, except that the shape of the Neanderthal’s arm and thigh bones demonstrates that he was very muscular. Neanderthal man was adapted to cold climates and used simple tools. It is not known for sure if he was able to speak, but it is not unlikely. Neanderthal man lived from about 130,000 years ago until about 30,000 years ago when he suddenly disappeared. Today, we do not know why Neanderthal man disappeared so suddenly. Still, it is not unlikely that the other subspecies of Homo Sapiens, with its cognitive ability and communication superiority, wiped the Neanderthal off the scene.[5]
Neanderthal man is unique in that he buried the bodies of the deceased in burial plots or the cave floors of his dwellings. In Kurdistan, in the northern regions of Iraq, the graves of nine Neanderthals have been found where four of the bodies were cared for. Flower seeds were found over the remains as if flowers were laid on the grave. This may indicate that Neanderthals believed in the afterlife, mourned the dead, and wanted to make the funeral dignified. Be that as it may, it is evident that Neanderthals viewed death differently from the types of humans that preceded them, and in this respect, it appears that they are spiritually related to modern man.[5]
Neanderthal man was a good hunter, and although his tools were not perfect, they were still well-shaped for their use, firm, and suitable. This remarkable species was probably one of the first to ponder the riddles of life and death.[5]
Man belongs to the family Hominidae and the genus Homo as mentioned. However, some things distinguish humans from other members of the family, such as the fact that they walk upright on two legs and have large brains. There is also a developed nervous system. The modern human brain weighs 1,300 to 1,400 grams and is, for example, three times heavier than the brain of chimpanzees. By its intelligence and due to the size and shape of the human hand, he has come the furthest of the family in the use of tools. Still, this ability is also present in other species of the family Hominidae to some extent.
The origin of modern man is believed to be in Africa, but then the species spread to Europe and Asia. It is believed that man gained a foothold in Australia over 40,000 years ago and in America about 16,000 years ago. Man had spread to all corners of Africa, Europe, and Asia long before that. At this point, Neanderthal man has become extinct and modern man is the only surviving subspecies of the species Homo Sapiens, perhaps the only surviving species of the Homo genus. About four thousand years after modern man began to cross the Bering Strait to America, man took a big step forward in his evolution. The so-called agricultural revolution begins.[5][15]
Since the beginning, humans have mostly lived on the meat of animals they hunted. In addition, they subsisted on wild herbs and fruits that they gathered. Our ancestors then realized it was easier for the species to cultivate the land and keep animals. This change is considered one of man’s most significant steps towards progress. The change began approximately 12,000 years ago, and 6,000 years later, man has succeeded in growing grains that covered about 90 percent of his food needs. Animal husbandry was also common, and people kept livestock such as goats, pigs, horses, sheep, and poultry.[5]
Genetics teaches us that the species of primates and chickens separated about three hundred million years ago. The man then separated from apes about six million years ago. Remarkably, only two pairs of genes in the human accelerated region 1 (HAR1) gene region have undergone changes in chimpanzees and chickens in the three hundred million years that have passed. The separation of man and apes is something else. In just six million years, there have been eighteen major changes in the genetic makeup of the human genome. These changes are a giant leap in the evolution of the species. The changes concern the development of the human cerebral cortex and, consequently, its intelligence (the HAR1 gene region). More gene changes have also occurred, whereas other gene regions have changed. The evolution of the speech organs of Homo Sapiens (the FOXP2 gene region) can be found in both subspecies. Also worth mentioning are changes in other gene regions, such as the HAR2 gene region, which has to do with the development of fine motor skills in the human hands, and the development of the ASPM gene, which affects the overall brain function of the human being. Geneticists have found that the ASPM gene has undergone fifteen changes over these six million years. The changes in the ASPM gene probably influenced the emergence of modern humans (Homo Sapiens Sapiens). Moreover, it can be assumed that the most recent change in the ASPM gene, about six thousand years ago, led to the beginning of written language and an increase in man’s ability to cultivate the Earth.[6][18][19[[20]
The question remains: Why does this excellent gene evolution occur in Homo Sapiens and not, for example, in other species of the family Hominidae? Professor Kaku puts the question this way:
“What were the evolutionary forces that gave us the genetic heritage after we separated from the apes? Why did genes like ASPM, HAR1, and FOX2 develop in the first place? In other words, genetics gives us the ability to understand how we became intelligent, but it does not explain why this happened.“ [6, p.157]
History teaches us that advances in technology and science come in waves. In the eighteenth century came the first great wave of technology and science. Theories in mechanics and thermodynamics laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the 1760s, largely with new developments in the textile industry. The main features of the Industrial Revolution were technological, economic, and cultural. The technical changes included using new basic materials, mainly iron and steel, and new energy sources, such as coal, electricity, and petroleum. A new work structure was established, known as the factory system. This entailed an increased division of labor and specialization. Important developments began in transportation and communication and the application of science in industry. These technological changes greatly increased the use of natural resources and mass production of various goods necessary for man.[5][14]
Then, another major technological and scientific wave occurred in the twentieth century—this time with scientists’ theories about electricity and magnetism. The wave laid the foundation for the electrification of entire cities with the advent of generators, radio, and television. The wave also laid the foundation for the space program that brought the first man to the moon.[6][7][11]
Then, the third wave of technology and science came in the twenty-first century. The third wave is often associated with advanced technology (high-tech) and quantum mechanics. The wave laid the foundation for discovering the transistor and laser technology. The technology that followed the third wave created the supercomputer, the Internet, modern communications, and the GPS positioning system.[6][7][11]
The fourth great wave of technology and science has begun but will probably not reach its peak until the twenty-second century. The wave created artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering. Man has only begun to make little use of this technology. Still, it can be expected that by the end of the twenty-first century and into the twenty-second century, technology will advance greatly and that it will have a profound effect on human development. Man can be expected to use this technology in future space development when he visits other planets in the solar system and checks for habitation on Mars and the moons of the two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn. At this point, man has probably reached or is about to reach Civilization Level I. Earth’s population has increased, and there are serious questions about the establishment of colonies on the planets of the solar system.[6][7][12]
The fifth wave of technology and science begins in earnest when a part of humanity wants to investigate the habitation and life conditions on the planets of the next solar systems. Due to the increased distances between destinations, different technologies are needed for travel and higher transport speeds once out of the solar system. The star Alpha in Centaurus is our closest solar system. It is located 4.3 light-years from Earth. Today’s technology would take hundreds or thousands of years to cover this distance. The fifth wave will, therefore, probably create rockets powered by antimatter or nuclear fusion, as well as the laser sail and nanoships. At this point, man has almost reached Civilization Level II.[6][7]
Today, significant advances are taking place in science. Artificial intelligence, microbiology, and neuroscience technologies have taken giant steps forward. In the next 100 to 150 years, which is the time it takes Homo Sapiens Sapiens to reach Civilization Level I, man will have changed himself. Among other things, he will have placed microchips in his brain to improve his decision-making and strengthen his memory and analysis skills. In addition, man will use microbiology, neuroscience, advanced engineering, and genetic engineering to develop his comprehensive bodily functions.
In Civilization Level I, humans can download all their brain activity onto powerful computers and project their thoughts and feelings worldwide. Professor Michio Kaku says:
“The Internet now makes possible the rise of planetary civilization that will link all the continents and the people of the world. The next giant step might be a planetary brain-net, in which the full spectrum of senses, emotions, memories, and thoughts are exchanged on the global scale.” [6, p.90]
In this way, the technique of separating man’s consciousness from bodily functions is developed. This technique prepares man to get rid of the earthly body. Man reaches this stage of development at Level II of Civilization after little more than 2000 years. In the latter part of Civilization Level II, man finally separates consciousness from the earthly body. In this way, man’s travels through the vastness of the universe will be shortened, and his energy consumption will be minimized.
One of man’s tasks in Civilization Level II is to develop a new type of organism. A search begins for an organism that meets specific criteria, such as brain size, thumb grip, three-dimensional vision, and a developed communication system (possibly language). If an organism that meets these conditions is not found on Earth, man will most likely create such an organism. The goal is for the organism to have the possibility to develop and become an independent species in the realm of nature and eventually reach Civilizational Level II. At that level, man’s supervision of the new species ends, and the new species is immortal.
The short period ahead in human evolution, until Civilization Level I is reached, is considered the most dangerous time in the evolution of the species. At the present stage in human history, man is preoccupied with the energy of the ego. Everything is done from the point of view of doing things for oneself and ignoring the needs of others. Wars are the order of the day, threats to use nuclear weapons are common, poverty and deprivation of our brothers and sisters are paid little attention to, and national values are given more value than international brotherhood. People don’t realize that the vast majority of all the species on Earth that have ever lived have become extinct, more than 99.9 percent.
Man must realize that if the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens is to have any chance of continued existence, the energy that envelops the species must be transformed from selfishness into the energy of equality and well-being of all the units of the species. The thought must prevail: “What can I do for the whole – what can I do for the species.” Another danger facing humanity is the development of robots with powerful autonomous AI or artificial intelligence. The time will come when the robots become independent, start mass production of their kind, and even expand their artificial intelligence. Inevitably, the time comes when the robots begin to see man as a threat to their existence and launch a campaign of extermination against him.[7] This danger is even more frightening than the danger of nuclear war and germ warfare.
The Solar Devas
Fortunately, with us humans, there is a species in the solar system living in the development stage of Civilization Level II. These are the so-called Solar Devas or Solar Angels. The Solar Devas sometimes go by the name of “Man’s Higher Self” or “Man’s Soul.”[1][2][3][4] Originally, the Solar Devas initiated the creation of the genus Homo and followed it through its evolution. They taught the first man to straighten the back and light a fire. They helped him with tools for hunting and cultivating the land. They helped with the Industrial Revolution, the discovery of atomic power, and other major sciences of today. Their last big step is to help men cope with their diseases and ailments. They do this by teaching men to use light and tones for medical purposes.[1][4]
Esoterism teaches us that more than 18 million years ago, an advanced being came from Venus to Earth with many Solar Devas. The main objective of this journey was to create a new type of organism, establish it, and evolve it so that the species could take care of itself and reach the goal of becoming immortal. This being is called Sanat Kumara (Eternal Youth), and it sets direction and goals for the entire life of the Earth.[16][17]
After arriving on Earth, Sanat Kumara appointed an Earth Council (The Spiritual Hierarchy).[1][2] The Earth Council initially consisted of fifty-nine Solar Devas: three department heads, seven project managers, and forty-nine supervisors. The organization of the Earth Council is based on the color glory of white light. The three primary colors of light are red, indigo, and green. They are the colors of the three heads of departments. The seven colors of the rainbow, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, are the colors of the project managers. The colors of the forty-nine supervisors are a mixture of the two colors of the seven colors of the rainbow. Sanat Kumara, the initiator of the Earth Council, is represented by white light, the fusion of all light colors. As more and more individuals of humanity reach the maturity and capacity to engage in unrestricted humanitarian service, they take over functions in the Earth Council. Today, initiated people from the ranks of humanity occupy many seats in the Earth Council. Still, shortly, it can be expected that the Earth Council will be composed only of initiated people from among humanity.[1][2][4]
As mentioned, the Solar Devas have the role of leading man to immortality. As a species, we reach this milestone in Civilization Level II. The connection between man and the Solar Deva takes place in the human mind. The esoteric calls this field of the mind the higher mind.[1][4] It can be said that the work of the Solar Devas is to shape the individual and control him throughout his life. On the other hand, the development of the individual is a part of the development of the species. It is, therefore, the role of the individuals to lift the whole to a higher and higher civilizational level. In other words, the role of the Solar Devas is, in essence, to make the individual so independent that he consciously participates in developing his species. Therefore, the individual can be seen as the instrument or vehicle of the Solar Deva in the evolution of humanity. When the individual finally becomes aware of his connection with the Solar Deva, he wholeheartedly participates in the cooperation on the terms of the Solar Deva.[4] The goal is, as mentioned, to evolve the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens to immortality.
The times ahead will be difficult for man. Will the species survive this period, or will it destroy itself? The road from Civilization Level 0.75 to Level I is rough and rocky. The Solar Devas of Civilization Level II are unsure that man can thread this road.
To try as best as possible to ensure that man reaches Civilization Level I, the Solar Devas were joined by an even higher civilization level, Civilization Level III. This level of civilization has achieved the goal of working with the entire Milky Way galaxy. Today, we humans feel the influence of Civilization Level III and call it – “God.” God is a civilization level of living beings that has evolved thousands, even millions of years longer than humans. In their evolution, in Civilization Level II, the spices shed their earthly bodies and became pure consciousness. At that point, the laws of physics of the physical world ceased to apply, and other laws took over.
It has been said that the residence of Civilization Level III, sought by the Solar Devas, is in the Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus. However, it can be assumed that many more evolutionary stages of spices in Civilization Level III can be found within the Milky Way galaxy. Each Civilization Level III gathers groups of Civilization Level II, giving them restraint and instructions for specific constructions.[7]
The evolution of man under the control of Civilization Level II (the Solar Devas – the Soul) is based on Love, but love is the dominant force of our solar system. On the other hand, the evolution of man under the control of Civilization Level III (God – the Monad) is based on the exercise of Will. Still, the energy of Will is the dominant force of creation, used by the greatest Word of the Milky Way galaxy to the initiated Masters of the Earth.[1][2][4] What do the next 100 to 150 years of human evolution hold? If Homo Sapiens Sapiens, in his materialism and greed for power, does not eliminate himself, the species will undergo massive changes. The scientific knowledge that man has recently acquired, such as artificial intelligence, microbiology, neuroscience, and genetic engineering, will tempt him to dramatically change his body and mental activities. It can be expected that these changes will consequently lead to a change in the name of the species and/or that a subspecies of Homo Sapiens will take root. It is not unusual for this subspecies to be named Homo Sapiens Artificialis (the human machine – the artificial man). However, the longevity of the subspecies Homo Sapiens Sapiens is entirely dependent on the species itself and its free will.
The Consciousness Development of the Individual
The consciousness development of the individual within the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens is slightly different from the development of the consciousness of the species. When the Word of the Earth, Sanat Kumara, is given the task by his superiors to move to Earth and create a new kind of organism, he gathers a host of Solar Devas of Civilization Level II. The role of the Solar Devas is to move with him to Earth and assist in the creation and development of the new species. The Solar Devas are supposed to give the new organisms a consciousness, but the Monad, gives them life. Without life and consciousness, the new species does not have the chance to thrive and flourish and eventually achieve immortality. Still, the immortality of the new species is one of the goals of creating the species. In its creation, the Word of the Earth connects man (Civilization Level 0), the Solar Deva (Civilization Level II – the soul), and the Monad (Civilization Level III – the spirit). The new organisms are given free will in their existence. In other words, the initiation of the new species originated from Civilization Level III (the Monad), aided by Civilization Level II (the Solar Devas) under the command of Sanat Kumara (the Word of the Earth). There is a division of work through Civilization Level II and Civilization Level III. The Solar Devas initially develop the individuals of the new species until they reach a certain maturity, in esoterism, called the fourth initiation. After that, Civilization Level III takes over the development of the individuals of the species. The new species evolves as the individuals of the species evolve.[1][2][4]
As mentioned, individuals of the new species evolve differently from the species itself. However, there are some similarities between the evolution of an individual and the species. The individual develops through a constant expansion of consciousness. The same applies to the species. A continuous expansion of consciousness and an accumulation of knowledge occurs. At first, little happens, but then an enormous accumulation of knowledge increases exponentially.
For thousands of years, the individual wanders around in search of food and shelter for himself and his family, but eventually, the time comes when he becomes aware of something he cannot realize. This state intensifies, and finally, he perceives that something inside him does not correspond to what his senses tell him. Something vague yet fascinating, some sweet thought or a wonderful feeling. Later, he realizes something inside him is different from the cold reality surrounding him. Eventually, the person realizes that he is not alone. Some inner reality surrounds him and sends him good thoughts and feelings. He calls this influence “Soul” or “God” in utter emotion.
When the individual’s feelings and thoughts have become a definite certainty, the “soul” introduces itself to him. This is the moment that, in esoterism, many refer to as the First Initiation or Birth into the Kingdom of God. Then, it is as if the individual wakes up from a deep sleep, and he knows, but not just believes, that something else is floating around him and the fellow human beings he associates with. At this stage of evolution, man has cleansed himself of most of the vices pertaining to the earthly body.[2]
The second initiation, Baptism, symbolizes the individual’s victory over the emotional turmoil and anguish of emotions surrounding him. He realizes he has let emotional chaos and other unrestrained emotions control him. The second initiation symbolizes man’s victory over emotional confusion and his conscious control over the emotional body.[2]
The third initiation, the Transfiguration, represents the individual’s domination over his lower mind and unified personality (body-emotions-mind). He sees now how his whole personality has been a plaything of the physical world. He also sees how the influence of the environment and material philosophical theories have controlled him and his entire existence. He decides then to simplify his life and limit the impact of his environment. At this stage of life, after the third initiation, the individual’s inner life has undergone enormous changes. The Solar Deva that has consciously followed him and participated in all his work has become more obscure. Something else has stepped into the scene. The Monad (Civilization Level III) has manifested itself. The third initiation is, in fact, the first major initiation in the individual’s life. Then, the individual first becomes aware of the power of the Monad. The individual has consciously lived under the control of the Solar Deva from the first initiation, and the Solar Deva has taught him by his caring instruction. The loving union with the Solar Deva fades away, and another quality of the spirit comes into play. That quality is called Will. The Will to Good, the Will to Beauty, and last but not least, the Will to Serve.[2]
At the fourth initiation, the Great Renunciation, we have come to the end of the journey of one’s being together with the Solar Deva. The Monad has taken control of the individual more and more, and the individual’s service work is multiplied. At this stage, man’s Love is solid and impenetrable, but the exercise of using the Will is lacking. The Solar Deva has now completed its work for Civilization Level III. In addition, the Solar Deva has completed a specific part of its evolution. He, therefore, returns the results of his work to the Monad. The result is all the experience that the Solar Deva has accumulated about its existence in the material world – in the three worlds of human experience.[2] Now, the Monad takes over.
At the fifth initiation, the Revelation, the Monad has wholly taken over the work of the Solar Deva. After the fifth initiation, man unites with the Monad, and the Monad teaches man to use the Will of God in his service tasks. What characterizes an individual at this stage is that he is one with the Monad and united with it. The individual has now perfected himself in his service to humanity and is called a Master of Compassion. On this occasion, the Initiate undertakes the teaching of those individuals of humanity called “accepted disciples,” most of whom have taken first to fourth initiations.[2]
At the sixth initiation, the Decision, the Initiate chooses one of several paths that lie before him in his development. One of these paths is continued service to humanity. The other paths lie beyond the creation circle of the Earth Word. Those who continue serving humanity take a seat in the Earth Council. I have been honored to be selected for a commanding position within the Earth Council. I lead a group of accepted disciples in one of the forty-nine groups of the Earth Council. I work under the direction of the Project Manager (the Chohan) of the Indigo Ray. My group is on the Red Subray of the Iindigo Ray. I work in that group with the blessing and guidance of the Head of the Department of Love and Wisdom (the World Teacher) and the Earth Council´s head. During my incarnation, I have undertaken to be my dear Head of Department substitute.
What I have undertaken in this earthly sojourn is to demonstrate the Will Aspect of Deity and how it is used. The Will Aspect is one of the three main aspects of the Deity. In addition, I have taken it upon myself to show in a concrete way that man has a soul (the Solar Deva) and that the Solar Deva (the soul) is confirmed (see
In Christianity, the Will Aspect of Deity has been described as the power that comes from the Father in the trilogy of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is Will, the Son is Love, and the Holy Spirit is Light.[4] The same can be said of the different civilization levels. Civilization Level II, the Solar Deva, works with man with the Love Aspect of Deity; Civilization Level III, the Monad, works with the Will Aspect of Deity. All this in the bright light of the Deity. When the Solar Deva has delivered the human being into the hands of the Monad, a new phase in man’s mission begins. This latest phase starts after the fifth initiation. This phase is the Revelation.[2]
The Initiate experiences the Will of God (God’s Purpose – the work the Initiate is to perform) as a revelation, which stands vividly in his mind’s eye. The next step for the Initiate is to interpret the revelation as accurately as possible. Then, the Initiate outlines how the revelation is to be performed. The Initiate uses the Will to carry out the work. The Will is the tool of the Monad, a First Ray energy. This is, therefore, the most potent energy current of the Earth, the energy that comes directly from the Word of the Earth. The energy of Will is the energy of Creation. The Initiate uses this creative energy in the execution of the project. The creative energy is so powerful that it instructs the four elemental forces of nature (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces) to carry out the task. In this way, the Initiate becomes a co-creator in the Great Creation, and nothing can prevent his creation.
The Will is a tone. The tone used by the Initiate is unique in that it follows the Initiate, and he uses the same tone in all his creative works. The Initiate meditates, draws a sketch (drawing) of his project in his mind, and projects the image on the “wall” of his mind. At the same time, he lets the tone resonate. The tone is the Will of the Creator and is loaded with His Purpose (see
We transfer this knowledge of the Will Aspect to my service to humanity and find harmony. Thirty-five years ago, I was struck by Revelation. The vision was a picture written in fiery letters about four things I was supposed to do during this lifetime. The task is, firstly, to show that the science of numbers is the science of color. Secondly, to show that colors and tones in a specific combination can contribute to the healing of personality disorders. Thirdly, to lay the foundations for New Age Medicine, where colors and tones come into play. Finally, I describe my service role and service during my lifetime (see
I made a note of these instructions and saved them for later. Fortunately, I did not have to put an interpretation into the vision, as it gives clear instructions for implementation. On the other hand, I had to plan the project. I began to study the practice and theories of Sound and Color Medicine and how to use numbers and colors together. When this part of the project was completed, I drew up a clear outline of the project and found my best solution. I sat down to meditate. When the overall picture of the project was straightforward and illuminated, I breathed in my project plan. In the pause between inhaling and exhaling, I checked to see if anything had gone wrong in the outline of the project. In my exhalation, I sounded my Creative Tone, thus sending the plan out to the material world. Today, thirty-five years after the firey script, I have carried out most of the project, but the last point is in the process (see,, and
I hope that when the healing power of light and tones begins to reveal itself, the public will see that these are gifts from the World Teacher and the Solar Devas. Hopefully, materialism will start to shake off the public, and the age of love and brotherhood, driven by goodwill towards all humanity, will begin.
The Monad and the Solar Devas gave humanity a beginning. The beginning is supposed to lead to the immortality of the species. All this will happen if humans, in their materialism, indifference, and maladjusted free will, do not mess up this gift and destroy their species. The Solar Devas have been a staple in humanity’s upbringing and development. In addition, they have given us humans all our most significant science and civilization. When we begin to grasp this fact, hopefully, an understanding of the existence of Solar Devas will arise. The Solar Devas are a fact, and I have shown that we can interconnect with ourselves, our own Solar Deva. We do that, for example, with the Disciples Invocation. We can also use the Rainbow Tone. The Disciples Invocation is a short invocation that teaches the dual working of the mind (the basics of Creation activity). The Rainbow Tone is creative (loaded with Purpose) and used for the union of man and soul (see
Over thirty-five years ago, I founded the Non-profit Organization TONE (Stiftelsen TON) in Sweden to receive donations. The donation funds will go to scientific research on the healing power of light and tones. The organization is still active today, and donations collected on the sites and will go into the accounts of the TONE Foundation and be used for scientific research. I hope this prospective research supports the public’s belief in our friends, the Solar Devas, and their ability to aid humanity.
Regarding my Revelation (the fiery writing) and the tasks that await me from my assignments for the Earth Council, their finishing will be the end of my work in this incarnation. Do not despair, as my Master once said, “Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
The Creator and His Creation
The three main aspects of Deity are Will, Love, and Light. In Christianity, they are called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In science, they are called the four fundamental forces of nature. They are the gravitational, electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces. God’s Will is the phenomenon that has raised many questions, as it is the aspect of Deity that has not been specifically presented. The Will aspect of Deity is applied to creative and service work by the members of the Earth Council. Only those members of the Earth Council who can exercise God’s Will in their service work have taken the fifth initiation. Training in applying the Will of God begins with the fifth initiation, often referred to as the Revelation, and ends with the sixth, called the Decision. Then, the initiates are fully trained in exercising the Will of God. At the sixth initiation, the initiates are also faced with turning to ministry outside the Earth’s Word strictures of creation.[2]
Instruction in exercising the Will of God has hitherto not been considered within the reach of those who still seek the influence of the material world but only of those who have renounced the control of matter entirely. The reason is that the Will energy of Creation is the strongest energy current on Earth. At the fourth initiation, properly called the Great Renunciation, the student renounces the control of the material world over his life. In other words, the student has managed to bend his free will from the influence of the material world to the Kingdom of God within. The period from the fourth initiation to the fifth is usually short, and it is not unusual for a man to achieve both of these initiations in the same lifetime. The main work of the disciple is to purify all the effects of the material world upon his life until, at last, he stands firm in his certainty of the control of the spirit in his life.[1][2]
The initiation of Revelation (the fifth one) is also a proper name. Then, the Initiate is confronted with a particular Revelation, or Vision, carved in his mind. The Vision sheds light on, among other things, the service task that the Initiate is to undertake. At the same time, Revelation is a part of the plan of the Earth Word (God) for realizing its creation. The Initiate now needs to interpret his Revelation correctly and make a Plan for the best way to carry it out. To assist him, the Initiate has a group of his disciples. This group helps the Initiate in the execution of his work. The Initiate’s disciples are referred to in Esoterism as “accepted disciples,” most of them have gone through the first to the fourth initiation in their consciousness development.[2]
When the initiate of the fifth degree is ready with his execution plan, he uses God’s Will.[2] God’s Will is a specific tone that the Initiate sounds. A particular tone for each Initiate. The tone is charged with the Initiate’s execution plan for the work. All creative tones must contain the purpose of the work so that the creation can be accomplished. The Initiate charges the tone in his meditation. He projects the Plan on the “wall” of his mind, keeps the image stable, and does not deviate from it. Afterward, he sounds his tone. The time the creative process takes is one breath. In the inhalation, the Initiate projects the idea (the work plan) on the “wall” of his mind. He checks whether the concept is implemented correctly during the break between the inhalation and exhalation. In the exhalation, the Initiate keeps the idea constant, and simultaneously, he sounds his tone at the right frequency and length. The time of the exertion of the Will is the time of exhalation. The tone is composed of two rays that merge into a single tone.
Regarding the sixth initiation, The Decision, the Initiate is well prepared. He has become skilled in his service tasks and uses the power of his Will and the Creation by Sound with perfect skill. He now has to choose a further development path. There are seven of them. Six paths lead to service outside the Creation Circle of the Earth Word, but one leads to continued service of humanity. The Initiate who chooses continued service to humanity takes a permanent seat in the Earth Council (the Spiritual Hierarchy), first as a group leader (a supervisor). Then, when the administrative seat above the supervisor becomes vacant, he takes the place of a project manager (a Chohan). Department heads are in the top positions of the Earth Council. They are the Manu, the World Teacher (the Bodhisattva), and the Maha-Chohan.[1][2] They have all taken the seventh initiation. They are in charge of departments named after the primary colors of light: red, indigo, and green. It should be recalled that these are offices within the Earth Council, where the Initiate serves temporarily. The three departments divide tasks that span all human activities. Manu is the head of the First Ray within the Earth Council and supervises men’s laws, regulations, and administration activities. The Bodhisattva (by Christians called Christ and by others called Maitreya) deals with matters related to religion and health. He is the head of the Second Ray within the Earth Council. The Bodhisattva is also the head of the Earth Council. The Maha-Chohan directs the activities of the Third to the Seventh Ray within the Earth Council. Maha-Chohan’s department activities concern human culture and education. It is worth mentioning that the current World Teacher took over his position about two thousand years ago. On that occasion, He worked through His disciple, Jesus of Nazareth, where He overshadowed the disciple. Their main task was to bring to life one of the Aspects of Deity, the Aspect of Love. On that occasion, the World Teacher went through his seventh initiation and took up the position of head of department in the Earth Council. On the same occasion, his disciple went through the fourth initiation. Today, Master Jesus holds the Project Manager (the Chohan) position of the Sixth Ray within the Earth Council.[2]
Today, the World Teacher is leaving his position as the Department head of the Second Ray to take up an even higher position, the Office of the Buddha, but Siddhartha Buddha will leave his position and become one of the Activity Buddhas of Shamballa, where the Will of God (the Earth Word) is known.[2] It is known that before retiring from his office, the World Teacher sends one of his senior disciples onto Earth to introduce to humanity yet another Aspect of Deity, the Aspect of Will. In his work, the World Teacher overshadows the disciple to ensure an acceptable completion. The disciple has also taken it upon himself to prove the existence of the Solar Devas and to manifest the new teachings of the World Teacher. The disciple also takes it upon himself to introduce the Healing Power of Light and Tones, which the World Teacher and the Solar Devas give to humanity.
The disciple Has taken the sixth initiation and has the office of a Supervisor (a Group Leader) within the Earth Council. He is serving on the Indigo Ray, specifically, on the Red Subray of the Indigo Ray. There will be some changes in the Earth Council at this juncture. The Chohan of the Second Ray, Master K.H., assumes the post of World Teacher[2], and the disciple, the leader of the Indigo-Red group within the Earth Council, assumes the post of the Project Manager (the Chohan) of the Indigo Ray.
As mentioned, all life within our Milky Way galaxy is constantly evolving. The two species associated with human evolution, the Solar Devas and the Monad, continuously evolve. Part of their evolution is to establish Humanity. The evolution of Homo Sapiens Sapiens is not possible without their help. In addition to the two species, specific individuals of humanity participate in developing their species. After the sixth initiation, these individuals have chosen to dedicate themselves to service to humankind and not to take service outside the creation circle of the Earth Word. Not to forget, the initiates of the first through fifth initiation also contribute to service to humanity. Moreover, many other individuals of the species help cultivate humankind. Because of this, few things can destroy the species, except perhaps the species itself with its undeveloped free will.
Long before the separation of man and apes, the Earth Word was instructed by the Solar Word to create a type of organism that has the potential to evolve into an independent species and become immortal. The place of its creation was determined: the Earth. The new species had the opportunity to develop into immortality. Two species are brought into the work, the Solar Devas and the Monad. The Earth Word initiated the project through Creation by Sound and entrusted the development of the new species to the Solar Devas and the Monad.
The Solar Devas (Civilization Level II) took care of the first step: separating apes and humans. This development began about six million years ago. Slowly at first, but eventually, the genus Homo (humans) emerged. The species Homo Sapiens (the intelligent man) belongs to the genus Homo. Today, modern humans (the subspecies Homo Sapiens Sapiens) are the only surviving species of the genus Homo. It is assumed that the Solar Devas helped in the evolution of humans through genetic manipulations. This is evidenced by a large number of gene changes that have occurred since the separation of humans and apes. These changes are changes in the human Cerebral cortex (the HAR1 gene region), in the fine motor functions of the human hands (the HAR2 gene region), the speech organs (the FOXP2 gene), and universal changes in the human brain function (the ASPM gene). These gene changes are not found in other species of the family Hominidae.
When humankind’s development gained momentum during and after the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a turning point in humanity’s evolution began. Scientific and technological advances helped accelerate the rapid development of culture, and now, the average citizen is struggling to keep up with the progress of science and technology. In retrospect, it is not unlikely that the Solar Devas set this rapid development in motion.
The scientific advances of man today are incredible. Discoveries and advances in artificial intelligence, microbiology, neuroscience, and, not least, genetic engineering will probably tempt humans to make massive changes to their bodies and cognitive functions. Genetic engineering is one of the things that must be closely monitored. With today’s scientific technology, it is possible to modify any organism. For example, man has developed grains for the benefit of humanity. He has also altered and destroyed genes in various animal species and also in himself for the cure of certain diseases. All the changes in man, made possible by modern technology and science, will most likely lead to a complete change in man as an organism if legislation is not passed. If this is the case, an entirely new kind of man is created, or a new type of man alongside humans.
The most dangerous time for the species is now. Man has not yet reached Civilization Level I, and he is expected to not get this stage of evolution for another 100 to 150 years. At that time, the species will become more tranquil, and greater equality will exist. The Will to Good will be more substantial, and there will be less division among the nations. The period of disintegration until the reach of Civilization Level I is, therefore, the most dangerous time in human history. There are many indications that humans will not reach Civilization Level I, and the species will go extinct. The power of human free will to reverse this policy is needed. Man’s love and goodwill towards his fellow men must prevail.
At Civilization Level II, the Monad (Civilization Level III) takes over the evolution of the human race. It does this in two steps. First, through each individual, beginning from the fifth initiation. Secondly, when the Solar Devas let go of humanity. At that level, man realizes that the physical body is only a drag, and the time comes when man throws off the earthly body and lives as pure consciousness. At that time, man as a species is immortal, nothing can destroy it. The species have already conquered the entire Solar System and live on most of the planets in the Solar System and their moons in the same way that the Solar Devas do now.[3]
Tens or hundreds of thousands, even millions of years, will pass. Man has evolved into Civilization Level III and spread throughout the Milky Way galaxy. At this stage, he has not only thrown off the material earthly body but has also put away his consciousness, everything material. All there is a pure life and spirit – the Monad.
1 – Bailey, A.A. Letters on Occult Meditation. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>
2 – Bailey, A.A. Rays and the Initiations. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>
3 – Bronsted, N. The Deva Evolution. Accessed 5th November 2023. <>
4 – Hafstein, E.P. The Therapy of Light. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>
5 – Harari, Y.N. 2015: Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind. Accessed 6th November 2023. <>
6 – Kaku, M. 2015: The Future of the Mind. New York: Anchor Books.
7 – Kaku, M. 2019: The Future of Humanity. New York: Anchor Books.
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