The Origin and Development of Man

E.P. Hafstein

In 1964, the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev proposed a theory on the classification and development of civilization based on energy consumption.[9] Kardashev classified civilization into three levels: civilization I, civilization II, and III. He said that civilization I was so advanced that it had many times more energy at its disposal than we have today. Our civilization does not reach the Kardashev scale. According to it, we are somewhere in the range of 0.7, and at the earliest, in 100 to 150 years, humanity will reach the level of civilization I.


Many well-known scientists support Kardashev’s theories, including professors Carl Sagan[8] and Michio Kaku[6][7], both of whom have further developed Kardashev’s scale and made it cover more areas than just energy.


Sagan and Kaku say humans can control the weather at civilization level I, prevent earthquakes, and stop volcanic eruptions. We can handle most things in our environment and on Earth. Kardashev says that when humans reach civilization level I, we will have 100,000-fold energy, or more, at our disposal compared to today.


At civilization level II, humans have so much energy and scientific knowledge that we can harness our entire solar system. We can then activate all the energy of the sun, but not only the solar energy that shines on the Earth. Humans will then populate many planets in the solar system and their moons, and total sustainability will prevail. At this stage, the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens is immortal.[7][13] For example, we can completely prevent the collision of foreign objects and the Earth, one of humanity’s greatest threats. We do it simply by destroying or changing the foreign object’s direction or moving the Earth.


At civilization level III, Homo Sapiens Sapiens has conquered the galaxy and can harness its energy. At this level of civilization, man uses previously unknown laws of physics, where the speed of light is no longer a speed barrier. At civilization level II, man has separated consciousness and body, and the material-heavy earthly body is no longer an obstacle.

The Beginning

In the 18th century, the Swedish naturalist Carl von Linné created the terminology used as the basis for the theoretical naming of organisms. The vocabulary is the binomial nomenclature based on the organism’s genus and species. Each organism receives two Latin names; the first is the name of the genus it belongs to, and the second is the name of the species to which the organism belongs. In some cases, there are subspecies, and then a third name is added.[10][13]


The genus of humans is called Homo. It includes the species Homo Habilis – the dexterous man, Homo Erectus – the upright man, and Homo Sapiens – the wise man. Often when talking about the modern man Homo Sapiens Sapiens, people speak about Homo Sapiens, and only the genus and species are specified. However, the correct scientific name is Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Since modern man is a subspecies of the species Homo Sapiens, this name can probably be attributed to the fact that modern man is the only subspecies of Homo Sapiens that still exists.


Two subspecies belong to the species Homo Sapiens. The first subspecies are, as mentioned earlier, the modern man Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the second Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. The Neanderthal was initially considered the direct ancestor of modern man, but today, he is regarded as a distant relative. The biological common denominator of the two subspecies is, among other things, a large head and a larger brain space compared to the size of the body. The skeleton of the two subspecies is comparable, except that the shape of the arm and thigh bones of the Neanderthal is known to show that he was very muscular. Neanderthals were adapted to cold climates and used simple tools. It is not known if he could speak, but it is not improbable. The Neanderthal existed for about 100,000 years, from 130,000 until 30,000 years ago when he suddenly disappeared. Today, we do not know why the Neanderthal disappeared so suddenly. Still, it is likely that the subspecies Homo Sapiens Sapiens, with its intellectual capacity and communication superiority, had something to do with that.[5]


The Neanderthal man is unique in that he buried the bodies of the deceased on burial grounds or in the cave floors of his dwellings. In Kurdistan in the northern regions of Iraq, the graves of nine Neanderthals have been found, where four of the bodies had proper burials. Seeds of flowers were found over the body remains, which look like flowers have been placed on the grave. This could indicate that Neanderthals believed in an afterlife or even mourned the dead and wanted to make the funeral dignified. However, it is clear that Neanderthals looked at death differently than the types of humans that came before them, and in this respect, it seems that they are spiritually related to modern humans. [5]


The Neanderthal man was a good hunter, and although his equipment and tools were not perfect, they were still well-shaped, firm, and suitable for their use. This remarkable species was probably one of the first to ponder the riddles of life and death. [5]


Man belongs to the family Hominidae and the genus Homo as mentioned before. However, some things distinguish men from other family members, such as the fact that they walk upright on two legs and have giant brains. There is also a developed nervous system. The modern human brain weighs 1,300 to 1,400 grams and is, for example, three times heavier than the brain of a chimpanzee. By intelligence, man has reached the furthest point in using tools, but this ability is also present in other species of the family Hominoidea to some extent.


The origin of man is believed to be in Africa, but then the species spread to Europe and Asia. It is believed that man managed to spread to Australia 40,000 to 60,000 years ago and to America around 16,000 years ago. Before that, man had spread throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia. At this point, man is the only remaining subspecies of the species Homo Sapiens, even the only remaining species of the genus Homo. Approximately four thousand years after the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens began to cross the Bering Strait to America, man took a big step forward in his development, and the so-called Agricultural Revolution began. [5][15]


Since the beginning, humans have mostly lived on the meat of animals they hunted. In addition, they subsisted on wild herbs and fruits that they gathered. Our ancestors then realized it was easier for the species to cultivate the land and keep animals. This change is considered one of man’s most significant steps towards progress. The change began approximately 12,000 years ago, and 6,000 years later, man has succeeded in growing grains that covered about 90 percent of his food needs. Animal husbandry was also common, and people kept livestock such as goats, pigs, horses, sheep, and poultry. [5]


Genetics teaches us that primates and chickens separated as species about three hundred million years ago. Humans then separated from apes about six million years ago. Remarkably, only two base pairs of genes in the region of HAR1 (human accelerated region 1) differ all this time. These two changes are in the letters G and C. A different story is to be told since the separation of Homo Sapiens and apes. In just six million years, there have been eighteen significant changes in the human genome of HAR1. These changes are a giant leap in the evolution of the species. These are changes related to the development of the human cerebral cortex and, therefore, intelligence development. More changes have also occurred. Evolution of human speech (FOXP2 gene) can be found in both subspecies of Homo Sapiens. Gene regions, such as HAR2, should still be mentioned, as they have to do with developing fine motor skills in the human hand. Yet another gene evolved in man (ASPM gene), affecting his brain function. Geneticists have found that the ASPM gene has undergone fifteen changes since the separation of Homo Sapiens from apes. The last changes in the ASPM gene probably influenced the appearance of modern humans (Homo Sapians Sapiens) in Africa, and it can be said with all probability that the last change in the ASPM gene, about six thousand years ago, led to the beginning of written language and increased abilities of man to cultivate the earth.[6][17][18][19]


The question remains: Why does this high level of gene evolution occur in Homo Sapiens but not, for example, in other species of the family Hominoidea? Professor Kaku puts the same question this way:

What were the evolutionary forces that gave us the genetic heritage after we separated from the apes? Why did genes like ASPM, HAR1, and FOX2 develop in the first place? In other words, genetics gives us the ability to understand how we became intelligent, but it does not explain why this happened.“ [6, p.157]

History teaches us that progress in technology and science comes in waves. The nineteenth century saw the first great wave of technology and science. Theories of mechanics and thermodynamics laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution in Britain in the 1760s, mainly with new developments in the textile industry. The main characteristics of the Industrial Revolution were technological, economic, and cultural. The technical changes included using new basic materials, mainly iron and steel, and new energy sources, such as coal, electricity, and petroleum. [5][14] A new work structure, the factory system, was established. It involved increased division of labor and specialization. Significant developments began in transport and communication and the application of science in industry. These technological changes made it possible to significantly increase the use of natural resources and mass produce various kinds of goods necessary for man.


Another great technological and scientific wave came in the twentieth century, with scientists’ theories about electricity and magnetism. The wave laid the foundation for the electrification of entire cities by introducing generators, radio, and television. The wave also laid the foundation for the space program that brought the first man to the moon. [5][6][7][11]


Then came the third technological and scientific wave in the twenty-first century. The third wave is most often associated with advanced technology and quantum mechanics. The wave laid the foundation for discovering the transistor and laser technology. The technologies that followed the third wave created the supercomputer, the Internet, modern telecommunications, and the GPS positioning system. [6][7][11]


The fourth great technological and scientific wave has begun but will probably reach its peak in the twenty-second century. The wave created artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering. Man has only begun to use this technology to a small extent. Still, it can be expected that at the end of the twenty-first century and beyond the twenty-second, technology will advance significantly and have an overwhelming effect on human development. It can be expected that man will use the upcoming technology in the space travel development of the future when he later goes to visit other planets of the solar system and look for habitation on the planet Mars and on the moons of the two gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. At this point, man has reached civilization level I or is about to achieve it. The population of the Earth has increased, and serious questions exist about establishing colonies on the planets of the solar system. [6][7][12]


The fifth technological and scientific wave begins in earnest when part of humanity wants to explore the habitation and living conditions on the planets of the nearest solar systems. Due to the increased distances between destinations, different travel technologies and higher transport speeds are required once outside the solar system. The star Alpha in Centaurus is our nearest solar system. It is 4.3 light years away from Earth. With today’s technology, it would take man hundreds, even thousands of years to travel this distance. Therefore, the fifth wave will create spaceships powered by antimatter and nuclear fusion. Also, laser sails and nanoships. At this point, man has almost reached civilization level II. [6][7]


Today, significant progress is taking place in science. Artificial intelligence, microbiology, and neuroscience technologies have taken giant steps forward. In the next 100 to 150 years, which is the time it takes for Homo Sapiens Sapiens to reach civilization level I, man will have already changed himself. Among other things, he will have microchips placed in his brain to make him more capable of making decisions and enhance his memory and analytical abilities. In addition, man will use microbiology, neuroscience, advanced engineering, and genetic engineering to develop his comprehensive body functions. When artificial intelligence, microbiology, engineering, and neuroscience have fundamentally changed humans, there will likely be a change in the name of the subspecies. Homo Sapiens Sapiens then probably turns into Homo Sapiens Artificialis – the human machine. This will happen in the next 100 to 150 years or when humanity reaches stage I of civilization.


At stage I of civilization, humans can download all their brain activity onto powerful computers and project their thoughts and feelings far and wide across the globe. In the words of Professor Kaku:

The Internet now makes possible the rise of planetary civilization that will link all the continents and the people of the world. The next giant step might be a planetary brain-net, in which the full spectrum of senses, emotions, memories, and thoughts are exchanged on the global scale. [6, p.90]

In this way, the technique of separating man’s consciousness from bodily functions is developed. This technique prepares man to get rid of the earthly body. This stage of development is reached by man at stage II of civilization, after little more than 2000 years. In the latter part of civilization level II, man finally separates consciousness from the earthly body. In this way, man’s travels through the vastness of the universe will be shortened, and his energy consumption will be minimized.


One of man’s tasks in stage II of civilization is to develop a new type of organism. A search begins for an organism that meets specific criteria, such as brain size, thumb grip, three-dimensional vision, and a developed communication system (possibly language). If an organism that meets these conditions is not found on Earth, man will most likely create such an organism. The goal is for the organism to have the possibility to develop and become an independent species in the realm of nature and eventually reach civilizational level II. At that level, man’s supervision of the new species ends, and the new species is immortal.


The short period ahead in human evolution, until civilization level I is reached, is considered the most dangerous time in the evolution of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. At the present stage in human history, man is preoccupied with the energy that has to do with the ego. Everything is done from the point of view of doing things for oneself and ignoring the needs of others. Wars are the order of the day, threats to use nuclear weapons are common, poverty and deprivation of our brothers and sisters are paid little attention to, and national values are given more value than international brotherhood. People do not realize that most species of living organisms on Earth have died out, or more than 99 percent.


Man must realize that if Homo Sapiens Sapiens is to have any chance of continued existence, the energy that surrounds the species must change from selfishness to equality and well-being of all units of the species. That thought must prevail: “What can I do for the whole – what can I do for the species.” Another danger facing humanity is the development of robots with powerful autonomous artificial intelligence. The moment will come when the robots become independent and start mass production of their species. Inevitably, the moment comes when the robots begin to see man as a threat to their existence and start an extermination campaign against him. [7] This danger is even more frightening than the danger of nuclear war or biological germ warfare.

The Solar Angels

Fortunately, with us humans, there is a species in the solar system living in the development stage of civilization II. These are the so-called Solar Devas or Solar Angels. The Solar Angels sometimes go by the name of “Man’s Higher Self” or “Man’s Soul”.[1][2][3] Originally, the Solar Angels initiated the creation of the genus Homo and followed it through its evolution. They taught the first man to straighten the back and light a fire. They helped him with tools for hunting and cultivating the land. They helped with the Industrial Revolution, the discovery of atomic power, and other major sciences of today. Their last big step is to help men cope with their diseases and ailments. They do this by teaching man to use light and tones for healing. [1][4]


Esotericism teaches us that over 18 million years ago, an advanced being came from Venus to the Earth, and with it, many Solar Angels. This journey’s main goal was to create a new species of life and develop it until the species could take care of itself and become immortal. This being is called Sanat Kumara (Eternal Youth), and it sets direction and goals for all life on Earth. After arriving on Earth, Sanat Kumara appointed an Earth Council (The Spiritual Hierarchy). [1][2] The Earth Council consists of Solar Angels, fifty-two in number: three department managers, seven project managers, and forty-two supervisors. The organization of the Earth Council is based on the color glory of the white light; the three primary colors, red, blue, and green, are for each department. The seven colors of the rainbow are the project manager’s colors. They are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. The colors of the forty-two supervisors are a mixture of two of the seven colors of the rainbow. Sanat Kumara, the initiator of the Earth Council, is represented by white light, the fusion of all light colors.  


As mentioned before, the Solar Angels have the role of leading man to immortality. As a species, man reaches immortality at civilization level II. The connection between man and the Solar Angel occurs in the human mind. Esotericism calls this part of the mind the higher mind or the intuitive mind. [1][4] It can be said that the work of the Solar Angels is to shape the individual and control him throughout his entire life. On the other hand, the development of the individual man is part of the development of the species to which he belongs. Therefore, the development of the species of man is more important than the development of the individual man within the species. However, the individual can be regarded as the tool or vehicle of the Solar Angel. When the individual becomes aware of his connection with the Solar Angel, he wholeheartedly participates in the partnership with the Solar Angel. [4] The goal is, as previously stated, to develop the subspecies Homo Sapiens Sapiens to immortality.


The times ahead will be difficult for man. Can the species survive this era, or will it destroy itself? The road from civilization level 0.7 to level I is a road that is rough and rocky. The Solar Angel of civilization II is not confident that man will succeed in following this road.


To try their best to ensure that man reaches civilization level I, the Solar Angels were joined by an even higher level of civilization, level III. This level of evolution has reached the goal of working with the entire Milky Way galaxy. Today, we humans feel the influence of civilization level III and call it – God. “God” is a civilization of species that have evolved thousands, even millions, of years longer than we humans. In their evolution, at civilization level II, this species shed their material-heavy bodies and became pure consciousness. At that point of evolution, the laws of physical physics ceased to apply, and other laws took over.


It has been said that the residence of the civilization level III, sought by the Solar Angels, is in the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. However, it can be assumed that there are many more civilizations at level III of evolution within our Milky Way galaxy. Each civilizational level III collects under itself groups of civilizations level II, supervises them, and gives them instructions for specific projects. [7]


We modern humans, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, are a bit special. I don’t know why the Solar Angels of civilization level II took it upon themselves to create and develop a particular type of species – the mammal with the overgrown brain, Homo, later Homo Sapiens. Perhaps it is only a wish from civilization level III, aimed at maintaining and implementing the tremendous initial creation, which we often call the Big Bang. Why does civilization level III take it upon itself to help the Solar Angels develop Homo Sapiens Sapiens? Can not the Solar Angels, unaided, ensure man’s evolution to immortality? Maybe not.


One thing is sure, though: this is what happens. The Solar Angel works with love as a weapon, surrounding the person with his loving nature and teaching him to use love in daily activities. Civilization, level III “God himself,” then works with the will principle as a weapon and emphasizes that man is taught the proper use of will. [1][2][4] What will the next 100 to 150 years bring in the development of man? If Homo Sapiens Sapiens as a species does not exterminate itself, the species will undergo massive changes with the help of artificial intelligence, microbiology, neuroscience, and genetic engineering. It can also be assumed that there will be a name change for the subspecies, and the name of man, Homo Sapiens Sapiens (modern man), will change to Homo Sapiens Artificialis (the human-machine). But the longevity of the species is entirely up to itself.

Recommended and Cited Readings


   1 – Bailey, A.A. Letters on Occult Meditation. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

   2 – Bailey, A.A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

   3 – Bronsted, N. The Deva Evolution. Accessed 5th November 2023. <>  

   4 – Hafstein, E.P. Living on the Right Frequency. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

   5 – Harari, Y.N. 2015: Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind. Accessed 6th November 2023. <>

   6 – Kaku, M. 2015: The Future of the Mind. New York: Anchor Books.

   7 – Kaku, M. 2019: The Future of Humanity. New York: Anchor Books.

   8 – Sagan, C.  The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

   9 – Wikipedia. Kardashev scale. Accessed 5th November 2023. <https:/>

 10 – Wikipedia. Carl Linnaeus. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

 11 – Wikipedia. Digital Revolution. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

 12 – Wikipedia. Fourth Industrial Revolution. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

 13 – Wikipedia. Human Taxonomy. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

 14 – Wikipedia. Industrial Revolution. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

 15 – Wikipedia. Neolithic Revolution. Accessed 7th November 2023. <>

 16 – Wikipedia. Sanat Kumara. Accessed 5th November 2023. <>

 17 – Wikipedia. Human Accelerated Regions. Accessed 11th June 2024.  <>

 18 – Wikipedia. ASPM (gene). Accessed 11th June 2024. <>

 19 – Mozzi, A., Forni, D., Clerici, M., Pozzoli, U., Mascheretti, S., Guerini, F. R., Riva, S., Bresolin, N., Cagliani, R., & Sironi, M. 2016. The evolutionary history of genes involved in spoken and written language: Beyond FOXP2. Scientific Reports, 6. <>